Map of Rathmullan
Map of Rathmullan with local businesses highlighted, find things to do, places to eat and free wifi spots. Local phone directory also included.
Name | Contact No. |
Adventure 1 Surf School | +353 87 6285565 |
Alfie's Curiosity Shop | +353 74 9158248 |
Beachcomber Bar (wifi) | +353 74 9158080 |
Belle's Kitchen (wifi) | +353 74 9158800 |
Big Paddy's Bar (wifi) | +353 87 6199143 |
Boat Hire | +353 87 2480132 |
Car Service | +353 86 3486824 |
Carberry's Supermarket | +353 74 9158148 |
Columba Taxi | +353 86 2707279 |
Cook & Gardener Restaurant | +353 74 9158188 |
Fr Martin Collum | +353 74 9158156 |
Gavaghan House Repairs | +353 86 8508455 |
Golden Sands Equestrian | +353 86 8122088 |
John Kelly Taxi | +353 87 2230533 +353 74 9158131 |
Kinnegar Brewery | +353 74 9158874 |
Looking Glass Spa | +353 74 9158444 |
Milford Surgery | +353 74 9153500 |
Pat patton Butcher | +353 74 9158255 |
Peadar Mac's Bar | +353 74 9158492 |
Pharmacy Chemist | +353 74 9158492 |
Portsalon Golf Club | +353 74 9159439 |
Post Office | +353 74 9158131 |
Rathmullan Charters | +353 87 2480132 |
Rathmullan Cottages | +353 74 9158178 |
Rathmullan House (wifi) | +353 74 9158188 |
Rathmullan Surgery | +353 74 9158416 |
Salt n Batter | +353 74 9158800 |
Take Away | +353 74 915 8800 |
Tap Room Bar Pizza | +353 74 9158188 |
White Harte Bar (wifi) | +353 74 9158154 |